Identify Fears, Build Courage, Own Your Tomorrow!

Stepping into the unknown is always scary. So many what-ifs. What if we fail, what if we get hurt, what if we are disappointed and potentially worse: what if we can’t hold our end of the bargain and disappoint those who depend on us?

Throughout my life, I strived for perfection, constantly fueled by fear of what others thought. Not realizing this armor, I thought was protecting me from vulnerability was smothering. As far back as I remember, I’ve been encouraged to do my own thing, but fear paralyzed me until I was no longer willing to tolerate being undervalued.

So often we interpret vulnerability to be a weakness, something we need to hide or suppress, but facing vulnerability takes enormous courage. Facing this fear became a priority for me as a professional, but more importantly a mom. As a parent, I had a burning desire to set an example for my girls to be confident risk-takers and never settle. It was imperative to role model that when we choose to show up, be seen, and accept we can’t control the outcome, we are brave.

This flame led to WildFire Consulting where I incorporate years of training and global corporate experience to work for me and my clients, on my terms. I control my destiny, refuse to settle, and know my worth. This is where I coach you to credit yourself for the strength found when you were unexpectedly pushed from your comfort zone yet kept going.

Join me in this fantastic new chapter…

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