We Offer a Variety of Proven Assessments to Help Our Clients Grow

The Role Assessments Play in Transformations

Assessments are a powerful tool that helps leaders quickly gain insights into their behaviors and encourage self-reflection. With the number of assessments available, the process of selecting the appropriate tool(s) can be an overwhelming task. Your WildFire Consulting coach will recommend the best tool to help you reach your ultimate goals.


Workplaces are composed of people with different communication styles, priorities, and preferences, so getting everyone to work well together can be challenging. Our coaches use a DiSC assessment to help clients understand their own preferences and style, as well as those around them. This process helps clients navigate interactions with their team for enhanced collaboration.
WildFire Consulting coaches use a client’s newfound understanding to bridge important gaps and facilitate more effective communication.

Simple, Potent, and Powerful

Whether DiSC is used for a specific department, leadership team, or an entire organization, WildFire Consulting coaches build a plan that gets results. This tool is flexible enough to complement other team development activities and it functions as a fun workshop in offsite or team-building events.


The Myers-Briggs Test Assessment provides a holistic overview of one’s personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The personality questionnaire serves as a communication tool to identify and understand interpersonal differences that help team members better understand themselves and their co-workers for growth and development.

The Myers-Briggs® assessment is far more than just a personality questionnaire. Its benefits include:

EQ-i 2.0 / EQ 360

The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is the most widely used emotional
intelligence assessment tool. Based on more than 20 years of global research, its
reliability and validity studies make it a popular choice.

The EQ-i 2.0 delivers insight into a client’s self-perception, self-expression, decision-making, stress management, and interpersonal skills.

Discover Social and Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses
This powerful tool focuses on life and workplace performance in 15 key areas proven to contribute to success in complex business activities including conflict resolution and planning. This assessment also helps to identify areas for improvement so the leader can adjust their approach and maximize effectiveness in their daily interactions with colleagues and teams.

Leadership Agility 360

Agile leadership is no longer a nice to have skill. At WildFire Consulting we help you develop an intentional, proactive approach to change and anticipate emerging threats and opportunities, view challenges with fresh eyes and a willingness to rethink past assumptions, and then prepare and align your teams.

360° leadership assessment provides a detailed view of the executive’s current skill standing and perception by others. Depending on the executive’s goals and specific needs, they may select either a quantitative or qualitative evaluation. Based on the valuable insights revealed, the WildFire coach and client create a concrete development plan that forms the basis of the coaching engagement.

Leader Overburden Workshop

Are you burned out or having a reasonable reaction to a never-ending bombardment of emails and meetings? Time management skills are essential. The barrage of information coupled with the demands of our professional and personal lives forces us to react. This overwhelming volume of information threatens our ability to think clearly and decide what’s important.

This workshop will help leaders learn crucial strategies that include personal motivation, delegation, organization, and crisis management.

Let WildFire Consulting help you activate your leadership potential.